In July and August 2022, AMBERO – on behalf of GIZ-Iraq together with its partners Cordaid and CINOP - had selected Iraqi candidates from 6 regions (Baghdad, Basra, Diwaniyah, Diyala, Erbil, and Mosul). They are involved in a 12-month IC-training programme existing of 4 modules.
In September and October 2022, Module 1 of the IC-training and coaching programme was remotely implemented by Joost G.H. Vermeulen -a senior VCD consultant of JV-Consultancies-, an excellent agribusiness expert from the Netherlands. In 10 online-sessions he taught the participants the basics of how to implement Value Chain Analyses, including setting up a VC-map. At the end of Module 1 all 32 participants - divided over 4 Value Chains: potatoes, tomatoes, cow/buffalo milk, soft wheat - presented their final VC maps of each crop, including the constraints + potentials per VC stage + SWOT-analysis. These results are now used in Module 2.
Through this Iraq is another step closer to having 25 certified Agribusiness (M)SME Innovation Coaches! Innovation coaches (ICs) analyse value chains e.g., of potatoes, tomatoes, diary, and grains in the agricultural sector to assess development and efficiency gaps and come up with recommendations and measures to improve and increase value chains. They also initiate and support effective partnerships and networks to achieve better agribusiness and higher income in the sector.
Module 2 is implemented by Robert H.M. van den Heuvel, another excellent agribusiness expert from the Netherlands. Robert hosted four online sessions for the presentations of all 4 VCs by the participants. After these presentations Robert gave homework to work on during November and December. This homework concerns gathering figures, selecting potential interventions, and spotting farmers for the field visits. He will use this homework during his later on-site training in Erbil by the end of January 2023.
If you want to learn more about this project, please visit:
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