In March 2019 JV-Consultancies (JVC) was the lead-consultant for the Dorcas-team in compiling a Livelihood/Protection Proposal in Iraq, which was submitted to the US-Government [$6 million for 2 years], in collaboration with the lead-applicant TearFund-UK.
Hereby JVC had the following 4 tasks:
(1) Leading the Dorcas-team of 4 persons in keeping track of the required Dorcas input;
(2) Provide draft sections for Dorcas specific parts of the narrative proposal;
(3) Provide supporting documents required as annexes for the proposal;
(4) Review the Dorcas budget & review the final narrative proposal written by TF-UK.
It was an intensive but also unifying period, whereby a comprehensive and high-quality proposal was submitted to PRM in Washington by TearFund-UK on Monday March 25th! Unfortunately, the proposal was not approved by PRM in July.